Hello world(s)!
This is an attempt at making a "complete as possible" collection of Etho's worlds from his Let's Play series.
Most of the work has been done by other people and I'm simply a redistributor.
I don't want to take any credit from anyone else for doing the labor of collecting everything, so I've attempted to list my sources down below.
Too Long; Didn't Read (TL;DR):
Click on this link (https://ethoslab.world/dl) to browse available world downloads.
To make it as clear as possible — This website is in no way affiliated with EthosLab in any capacity.
I am just a fan of his YouTube channel and various Minecraft series.
Please do not contact Etho about questions regarding this website, as he has nothing to do with it directly.
If you have any questions, concerns or whatever about this website then feel free to contact me via email: [email protected]
Thank you.
World Downloads
As of April 9th 2021, I have set up multiple mirrors to attempt to provide the best experience possible worldwide.
While this is a very small project with not an extreme amount of visitors, I figured it'd be fun anyways :)
In most scenarios you want the one geographically closest to you for the best speeds, but in general there's not a massive difference.
For example: If you're in the US, then either US West and US East will probably work just fine.
Automatic mirror selection option based on your location, using magic! If you don't know which mirror to choose, I recommend picking "Automatic" :)
I am also hosting a public status page for the mirrors, so you can see if any of them are currently unavailable.
Episode 264, 302, 364, 450, 500
Etho's LP Ep550
ethoslab worlds/
- Folder containing lots of world download versions. There's a text file in the folder that describes it.
- Source: Torrent posted on /r/EthosLab by /u/CrackCrackPop
- The magnet URI still works and I'm helping seed that torrent, if that's a preferred method of downloading:
- Special shoutout to /u/lurkergottasaythis's comment on another reddit thread. This comment lead me to the original torrent for this. π
For other downloads that are related to Etho's videos, but may not be world downloads from Etho himself.
Etho's Googler (Fanmade).zip
- World/map downloads taken from HermitCraft.com
- While this folder contains each ZIP listed on the HC website, not all of them include anything related to Etho. I decided to provide all of them for completeness sake.
- According to the HermitCraft wiki page for Etho, Etho has only really been part of seasons 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9.
- HermitCraft world downloads are only available after the season is completed.
HermitCraft - Season 7:
(Java edition) & HermitCraft/hermitcraft7-bedrock.zip
(Bedrock edition)
- Files are sourced from the torrents provided on the /r/HermitCraft subreddit (and of course I'm also seeding).
- Magnet URI - Java edition:
- Magnet URI - Bedrock edition:
HermitCraft - Season 8:
- I downloaded the files via the torrents provided on the /r/HermitCraft subreddit and I'll be seeding from different servers.
- Magnet URI - Java edition -
- Magnet URI - Bedrock (PC ZIP) -
- Magnet URI - Bedrock (Mobile/Console MCWorld) -
HermitCraft - Season 9:
- You can find more information in the reddit thread on /r/HermitCraft, I recommend reading through it, especially if you're trying to set up your own multiplayer server with the map.
- January 17th, 2024 - Update:
- Xisuma posted on Twitter that the HermitCraft season 9 download had been updated. From what I can tell, this new version has some fixed chunks that were previously removed/corrupted (I am not entirely sure about these details).
- I've updated the download links to contain the new version. The old version can be found in the HermitCraft/S9Archived directory, and will be suffixed with
in the filename.
- The torrents have also been moved into the S9Archived directory. I've chosen to no longer list the magnet URIs here on the homepage, since I don't think there are new torrents for the new "fixed" world download. If you still want to get the magnet URIs for the old S9 world download, you can still find them in the reddit thread linked above.
- For recommended mods for season 9, someone has also made a Modrinth pack
External links:
External links to other pages and social media related to Etho.
Changelog of additions to the download list.
February 2nd, 2025:
- Removed the π―π΅ Japan mirror (JP-01) due to low usage (and to save money). Asia should still be fairly well covered by the Singapore mirror.
August 31st, 2024:
- The πΊπΈ New York City mirror (NYC-01) has removed in favor of a new mirror with a different provider (in Allentown, PA).
August 20th, 2024:
- The πΏπ¦ South Africa node has been removed due to lack of use and to save on costs.
August 1st, 2024:
- The π³π± Netherlands mirror (NL-01) has been migrated to a new provider (same provider as Japan & Singapore). The migration should be seamless.
May 16th, 2024:
- The π―π΅ Japan mirror (JP-01) has been migrated to a new provider (same provider as Singapore). The migration should be seamless.
May 1st, 2024:
- The πΈπ¬ Singapore mirror (SG-01) has been migrated to a new provider. This should be fairly seamless.
April 1st, 2024:
- The πΈπ¬ Singapore mirror (SG-01) is back via a new provider :)
February 21st, 2024:
- For cost saving reasons, there will be some replacement mirrors coming up in different locations:
- πΊπΈ Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) has been replaced with a new mirror in Dallas, Texas (USA)
February 20th, 2024:
- The πΈπ¬ Singapore mirror (SG-01) will be temporarily unavailable. A new Singapore mirror will be available again as soon as possible. Hopefully Japan or one of the European nodes will suffice for the time being :)
January 20th, 2024:
- Updated HermitCraft season 9 world download with the new version. See the updated HermitCraft 9 section for more details.
December 26th, 2023:
- Happy holidays!
- Added world download files for HermitCraft season 9. See HermitCraft 9 section for more details.
October 14th, 2023:
- Added mirror: GEG-01 — πΊπΈ Spokane, Washington, US West. Should hopefully help the northwestern side of North America.
- Added mirror: CA-01 — π¨π¦ Montreal, Canada. Somewhat redundant due to the NYC node, but since I already had a server it didn't hurt to add it.
- The status page has some minor updates. New nodes added of course, but all mirrors now show the full location. Before it was only the mirror "code" (NYC-01, NO-01 etc.).
February 23rd, 2023:
- Incident/status messages posted on the status page will now also be embedded above the mirror list.
November 5th, 2022:
- Availability of each mirror is now automatically retrieved from the public status page. Should now make it easy to see if you can access a mirror or not.
September 13th, 2022:
- Removed mirror: π¦πΊ Australia [Oceania]. Simply for cost-saving reasons :)
April 20th, 2022:
- SG-01 (Singapore) has been migrated from DigitalOcean to ReadyDedis.
January 20th, 2022:
- Added mirror: π―π΅ Japan [East Asia] #1 [JP-01]
January 5th, 2022:
- Added
versions of HermitCraft season 1 through 7.
December 28th, 2021:
- Added world downloads for HermitCraft season 8, including torrents. See the HermitCraft 8 section.
October 16th, 2021:
- Added mirror: πΏπ¦ South Africa [Africa] #1 [ZA-01]
- Most users from the African continent will now be redirected towards ZA-01.
July 2nd, 2021:
- Migrated the homepage to Cloudflare Pages.
will now redirect to https://no-01.ethoslab.world/dl/
will now attempt to redirect you to the mirror that's closest to you physically.
June 13th, 2021:
- Added HermitCraft S06 download for Bedrock edition.
- Added mirror: π³π± Netherlands #1 [NL-01 / EU-03]
June 12th, 2021:
- Added HermitCraft season 7 downloads (Java & Bedrock editions), including torrents from /r/HermitCraft.
- Added mirror: πΊπΈ New York #1 [NYC-01 / US-02] (finally)
June 11th, 2021:
- Added HermitCraft S01 through S05 (Vanilla, Bedrock versions)
May 25th, 2021:
- Added mirror: π³πΏ New Zealand #1 [NZ-01]
April 20th, 2021:
- Added mirrors: πΊπΈ Las Vegas #1 [LAS-01] & πΈπ¬ Singapore #1 [SG-01]
- Added all available HermitCraft downloads from their website. Up to and including season 6.
April 9th, 2021:
- Added mirrors: π±πΊ Luxembourg #1 [LU-01] & π¦πΊ Australia #1 [AU-01]
September 4th, 2020:
Public release! Starting with Etho's Let's Play world download from episode 550.
Who are you?
My name is Alex, but on the internet I go by Decicus. I'm a (relatively) long time Etho fan and a bit of a 'data hoarder'. I set this website up because I wanted world downloads to be easily available for other fans of Etho.
If you're for some odd reason interested in what I might be up to on my free time, feel free to check out my Twitter (@Decicus), my GitHub (Decicus) or my website